Hi Everyone,
Hopefully all is well, especially as we roll into the holiday season.
It has been a frustrating few months on site as we continue to diligently pursue some outstanding permits, and unfortunately the delays in the permits have significantly affected our schedule. In fact, at the moment, we have moved our construction crews offsite because we are bottlenecked with the work we can do while we wait. We do not believe there are any material issues with the applications, just that it takes more time these days to process.
The good news is that we are confident the permits are about to be issued and expect those hopefully next week. Once received, we will re-assemble our construction crews and try to make up for lost time. Once we have the permits, we will send a note out with a timing update; at this stage, our best guess for phase one to be ready is April.
As mentioned previously, if the delays cause issues for anyone, feel free to call me directly to discuss. I am happy to have direct conversations with anyone who would like more detail on the outstanding permits or any other questions. I can’t begin to express how frustrating these delays have been for all of us at Ocean Winds, we do strive to exceed peoples expectations and this has been embarrassing for us.
On a side note, we have recently completed a partnership with Modulux Design Ltd. out of the Okanagan to become their exclusive distributor of Park Model homes on Vancouver Island. Modulux is one of the leaders in production and design of Park Model homes – for more information on them, please refer to their website https://www.parkmodelsandcabins.com/. We have included a unit plan for a show home that we currently have under construction and will have on display on site when the park opens.
All the best to everyone for the holiday season and as always, don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Thanks, Keith