Hi Everyone,
I hope everyone is enjoying some summer weather and staying safe.
We have been making decent progress on site – please see the attached pictures. The clubhouse is taking shape and is going to be a spectacular building. On site grading, fill and servicing is ongoing, as well as grading and leveling for phase 2. Once the servicing is in place, we will be proceeding with laying out the individual pads, paving the internal roads and finally on to the landscaping. We did have a few hiccups with our off site servicing that had caused some delays but have everything back on track now.
Still difficult to predict with absolute certainty as to when we will have the park complete and ready for people to move in. Rest assured, we are moving as quickly as the current conditions will allow. If anyone would like more detail, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected], or at 604-340-1394.
Park Model Homes
We are offering Park Model Homes built and custom designed by Modulux Design in the Okanagan and have had very strong interest from a number of you. Ocean Winds is the exclusive dealer for Modulux products on Vancouver Island – if any of you would like to learn more about the units and pricing, please feel free to contact us or look at the Modulux website, https://www.
Phase 2
We are progressing on the phase 2 sites nicely at this stage as well. As most of you are aware, the log cabin that we had hoped to repurpose was too far gone to save but will be replaced with an amenities building. We will start taking formal reservations and deposits for those units commencing in September, however, any of you that have expressed interest are encouraged to reach out to reconfirm.
Social Programming (Valerie Cardill)
Hello to everyone and thank you to those who have offered suggestions and ideas for the new Clubhouse.
Your input and active support will certainly aid us in developing Programmes that will keep us all healthy.
As we wait for the final touches to the Park to be completed, we should consider the impact that covid-19 will have on all of us as we prepare to move to our new home.
Social distancing will be of greater importance as we all arrive from different places to begin our new Community. We will need to rebuild our ‘social bubbles’ within the Park. This will take a bit of time, but it is something we all must commit to if we are to remain a healthy and vibrant community in the future.
Due to Provincial Health Regulations, there will be a number of restrictions that will apply to our new Clubhouse/Pool/ Pickleball complex. Group sizes, for Activities, will be restricted due to the 2 metre distancing rule. We will run structured Activities such as Yoga, She Ba Fa, Tai Chi, and Low-impact Aerobics as often as we can to accommodate as many people as possible. Additional Activities/Programmes will be introduced as Health Guidelines allow.